There are a lot of sources where you can watch amateur sex videos. Some sites have scripted home clips in HD quality while other sites have authentic amateur porn that is shot on a 1MP camera. Of course, there will be people who enjoy visiting both types of sites, but what if you could have one site that merges quality with authenticity?
Lustery is a place where real-life partners can share their sex videos with the world. Not only that but the video quality is absolutely amazing. You can even confuse such homemade content with content produced by professional studios. But trust me, it’s not. These couples are 100% real and just love showing their passion and love for each other through sex. You won’t be able to find such homemade porn anywhere else, as these videos are shot exclusively for
The registration process is free but will give you only access to video previews. To watch full versions, you’ll have to upgrade your membership at a cost of $25 per month. Not a big cost to enjoy high-quality homemade sex. If you are a couple, you can also submit your videos. Other features of the site include sex stories, couple news, horoscopes, and podcasts.
Lustery is a lovely platform with a very pleasant design. Watching the couples on this site having sex is like a sight for a sore eye. It’s relaxing and arousing at the same time.