TheGay is a free gay porn tube site with lots of high-quality videos. As a free site, they have some ads like pre-rolls that you’ll have to wait out for 5 seconds before you can see the video itself, but it is a small price to pay for having such a massive database of homosexual pornography at your disposal.
What struck me the most is the category list sorted alphabetically. For example, if you are looking for bareback sex videos, just search that category under the letter “B”. Pretty convenient. They also have a big list of male pornstars which you can filter by popularity or by number of views.
The website is constantly updated with new videos and you can also contribute by uploading one of yours if you are ready to show the world how good you are in bed or how well you can you jerk off your cock. Regardless of your intentions, be sure to check out this great place of horny and hot gay men!