DrTuber is full of free porn videos and erotic photos. It’s another fantastic place to jerk off to thousands of sex videos in peace without annoying ads popping from everywhere. The website design is amazing. I love how it’s done in black in dark gray colors. All the site’s elements, icons, fonts, and even ad banners complement each other so good, that you get the feeling that these guys thought of everything.
The main page consists of video thumbnails, but when you hover over them you’ll get a small preview of what the video is about. They do have a pre-roll ad before you can watch the video, but hey, they got to pay for the hosting and the domain renewal somehow. You can skip it in 5 seconds anyway, so no big deal. It’s not a big price to pay to enjoy some very kinky stuff. The video quality is great. You can toggle between 320p and 720p. However, I didn’t find any 4k videos. Once on the video page, you’ll see the related porn videos on the bottom and the best videos of the day on the right. That way you’ll always have something to watch next.
The porn categories here are in abundance. You’ll definitely find your favorite one. They have Threesome, First time, Virtual Reality Porn, POV, Fetish, Hentai, and many more categories. Apart from checking out the categories, be sure to visit their fantastic sex photo collection where you can find lots of amateur pics. In the community section, you can leave words of appraisal for the porn contributors on their profile walls. The pornstars’ section is pretty self-explanatory. Here you can find all the popular adult movie stars. For your convenience, they feature a TOP of 30 Pornstars in the sidebar so you can easily navigate yourself to the one that is trending at the moment. Overall, you’ll have a very pleasant experience visiting this site.